So here are a few:
From August and Everything After--Photos in Mason Jars

I love how easy and vintage looking this is! All you need is old mason jars, a bunch of 4 x 6 photos, vegetable oil, and dried flowers (optional). And by the way, check out her blog. You will totally die over the images from her wedding.
From Peacock Feathers--Seating chart idea

I love this idea, and will hopefully steal it, if I find the windows. It's so easy, plus you aren't using a bunch of paper that you will eventually throw away. It's the same with invitations--I know when I get wedding invitations in the mail, I think oh so pretty, but do I keep them? No! Maybe for a little while, but eventually they go in the trash and that makes me feel bad. But it's true. So I'm hoping to cut down on paper costs, too, maybe using some sort of postcard as the invitation, and RSVP to our wedding blog (yet to be created) or by phone. There's something nice about getting a phone call saying "yes we're coming!" Is that a total faux pas?
So there you go. Two great ideas. I also like the idea of having a neat birdcage and guests write on small cards and drop them in the birdcage (sans bird, of course). The list goes on and on...
I love the photos in a mason jar idea! They can also look really good in vases and other glass containers.