I planted some flowers in pots a few weeks ago, okay, maybe a month ago, and they're just going crazy. I love petunias because they are so hardy. I went with a combination of white petunias, yellow marigolds, purple salvia, yellow superbells, and yellow and purple something-or-other...I forget.
It is really nice to sit out there and enjoy them. I also put up some decals from World Market for artwork on the wall. I didn't want to put up actual artwork, so I thought this was interesting and temporary. I'd really like an outdoor temperature and time clock like this one:
It is really nice to sit out there and enjoy them. I also put up some decals from World Market for artwork on the wall. I didn't want to put up actual artwork, so I thought this was interesting and temporary. I'd really like an outdoor temperature and time clock like this one:
Here are some pictures of the flowers. Enjoy!