They also remind me of my old bedroom in high school. When we moved into the house, the room had patterned black wallpaper and one wall of gold mirrors. I guess the previous owner was ahead of the design game because now black, wallpaper, and accents of gold are all the rage. And I'm actually liking this trend. Waah! Oh thankfully my mom took down all the wallpaper and mirrors for me. What a nice mom!
The other day I was painting some chairs glossy black, and I had about a half of a can left. I was this close to painting a small wall in the hallway black, but I didn't have any painters tape or rollers, just one little two-inch brush, so that spur of the moment idea was put on hold. Plus I live in an apartment, so I'd have to paint it back white.
Anyways, here are some black bedrooms. I think they are lovely, very cozy, and the black walls make everything recede into space, or depending on your accent colors, they make everything pop! Three and four are my favorites!
Images via Apartment Therapy: